Dinner at Hukad in Ayala Terraces

[Delicious Budbud with chocolate goo! Rating: 10/10 … definitely]

As always, the great procrastinator strikes again! Yes, this is a long overdue post about a dinner I had with friends/co-workers weeks ago at Hukad, the high-end version of Golden Cowrie in Ayala Terraces. Now, where do I start? Oh yeah, we did not have any cash at that time, so we persuaded Glenn to let his plastic work its usual magic again. Haha! Actually, Glenn doesn’t mind us using his plastic because he knows when we get our money. Am I right, Glenn? *huge grin* Anyway, we have been itching to have dinner for days at that time that when Glenn, the financier, finally agreed to come with us – and I was finally able to remember to bring my camera – we immediately hopped on a taxi the minute our shifts ended. We were that excited, and hungry too, actually. So, armed with my camera and hunger pangs, our feet guided us to Hukad. Actually, it’s just a branch of Golden Cowrie, with just better furnishings and prettier scenery, especially for their “al fresco” tables. And as usual with this popular local restaurant, the place was packed when we arrived and when we spied a vacant table in their “al fresco” section, we quickly took it. When we got menus, we tried to ignore the yummy pictures of the “crispy pata” and proceeded to order the dishes without any pork or beef. *sigh I miss eating pork sometimes…just sometimes (“Sometimes ra lagi!”, I tell my neurotic self). Yes, I have sworn off pork, and beef, for now. And since Cel’s diet is the same as mine, we opted to order dishes without pork, but with lots of coconut milk. Haha! However, since Leylan refused to give up on ordering pancit, we gave in and ordered it even though it might have had pork.

Well, we still had belly aches by the end of dinner, so I guess the “sans pork” regime didn’t affect our appetites much.Β  And the “ginataang” dishes were absolutely delicious that I get hunger pangs just thinking about them. So yes, the dinner was great, as always. I think you rarely get disappointed when there’s food around, especially if the dishes were awesome… and especially coupled with really pretty scenery, which is what you’ll get at The Terraces in Ayala at night. Great dinner, nice place, and not so bad company makes for an amazing night. Obviously, I miss having dinners with friends. LOL! πŸ˜€

Ginataang Langka [Rating: 9/10]

Pancit Guisado [Rating: 9/10]

Puso Salad [Rating: 10/10]

Calamares [Rating: 8/10]

They don’t really look it, … but yes, these are fried squid rings.

Shrimp Sinigang [Rating 9/10]

I don’t know the Tagalog term for “shrimp”… πŸ˜€ I had a few sips of this… to hell with allergens! Besides, it was yummy… and I had medicine with me.Β  πŸ˜€

Chicken Halang Halang [Rating 9/10]

Who could ever forget to order this? And as usual, it was delicious… but I personally think the Puso Salad knocked this off the #1 spot.

Calamansi Juice – The four of us ordered this. I guess people are really growing more health conscious. Haha!

Chicken Pandan [Rating: 8/10]

Maja Blanca [Rating: 9/10]





*Ayala Terraces*

Itadakimasu, everyone!

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